The 7 Books That Will Change The Way You Think And Bring You Success

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Before I got started with my blogging career, I really lacked the motivation and confidence to even begin my research. Eventually, I learned that I needed to work on my mindset. I had asked around and researched the best way to do so, and found that reading is one of the best ways to improve your mindset.

Reading these books changed the way I thought and brought me so much success and motivation as I began building my business. They not only changed the way I thought about work but also the way I thought about life. It improved the way I acted with others and overall made me a much happier person. My eyes were opened and I found simple truths to starting a business - mainly that it doesn’t have to be hard! My mind was enlightened, the juices started to flow, and I was able to start and launch my business within a month!

I know I’m not alone when I say that I used to spend my free time doing mindless activities. Instead of researching “how to start a blog” I would come home from my 9-5 job, maybe work-out, and then spend the rest of the day watching TV or wasting time doing something frivolous. When I finally got to work finding and reading these books, I was able to build my stamina and got a lot more important things done throughout the day.

That is why I want to share this post with you and the 7 books that I read that improved my mindset, brought ease to starting my business, and helped me find success along the way.

For a more in-depth practice on how to apply these mindsets (you’ll learn from these books) into your life, take my course on How to Start a Six-Figure Blog.

The 4-Hour Workweek
by Timothy Ferriss

Ferriss changed his way of thinking. Instead of following the status quo, he chose to go against it and was able to change his paycheck from $30k per year to $80k per month. This book taught me some super valuable lessons and gave me the confidence I needed to begin my business and not worry about what other people thought. It was the first book I picked up and it changed the world for me. This book is a must-read!

Smarter Faster Better
by Charles Duhigg

This book is the core of my motivation. I thought I was motivated before until I read this book. Now I feel like I have the true ability to do anything I put my mind to. Anything that sounds intimidating or uncomfortable bothers me a whole lot less and I know exactly how to tackle anything that comes my way, and it is all thanks to this book.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It
by Kamal Ravikant

I was very intrigued by this book when I read the title. And now I’m so glad I decided to pick up the book and read it. This book taught me that the secret to having a successful life is to love yourself. Seems pretty simple right? Well, I know it’s not always easy. Ravikant gives excellent advice as well as exercises to help you learn how to love yourself. Doing so will help you build a resilient character, learn to love others, live life a little easier, and grow mentally and emotionally. I highly recommend this book to anyone!

Atomic Habits
by James Clear

This book brought me to the “system” I currently use, and I expect to use it for the rest of my life. Building habits and maintaining them are a lifelong task, but well worth it. Clear talks about habits and how creating them will change your life. He talks about the best way to build better habits, no matter what you are trying to improve. I’m working on improving myself by 1% every day - as he teaches in this book - and it has already made a significant difference in my life and my business.

The Power of Habit
by Charles Duhigg

Another Charles Duhigg book that goes hand in hand with his “Smarter Better Faster” book as well as “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. This book does well explaining different things mentioned in Clear’s book and helped me understand more fully why habits are so necessary and helpful in life and business. Plus, Duhigg’s books are super entertaining to read. He puts so much research into his books and then converts his findings into entertaining stories. I learned so much about the brain, and it was actually fun, rather than feeling like homework.

How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie

Looking past the title, this book helped me in a professional way more than a personal way. It taught me about leadership, as well as professionalism. You learn about human relations, psychology, and communication and how to be likable - not because you want to please everyone, but because you know how to treat others respectably. Carnegie gives simple principles to follow and explains the impact developing these principles will have in your life.

The Magic of Thinking Big
by David J. Schwartz

I was intrigued after reading just the first page of this book. The difference between entrepreneurs and the rest of the world is the size of their thinking. “When you believe I-can-do-it, the how-to-do-it develops.” This book is filled with motivation-boosting tips to build a successful life. It shaped the way I think and gave me the ability to do more things than I would ever have thought or imagined.

Here is a list of more books I haven’t gotten around to yet, but definitely want to read in the near future:

These are the books I read to shapeshift my mindset which gave me the strength to start a money-making blog. If you want to start your own money-making blog, and also learn how to enhance your mindset, I recommend taking my FREE Mini-Course. It will not only help you learn more about how to start your blog, but it will also dive deeper into how to apply these mindsets to your life!

What book are you going to read next? Any books I should add? Let me know in the comments below!

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Mindset Shifts For A Successful Business