The Secret to Staying Organized and Becoming a Successful Blogger

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Once you start a blog, there are a lot of things to remember. You have daily, weekly, and monthly tasks you need to keep track of to provide smooth sailing for your business.

Now you may be wondering, “How much time should I be spending on my blog each week?” Or “How do I stay consistent with my blogging and online business with a busy schedule?”

The truth is, that can all be handled by simply using a schedule.

In this blog post, I’m sharing the 5 things I learned that allowed me to maintain my blog - bringing in more success and less stress. I’ll be covering:

  • How to stay organized

  • How to beat procrastination

  • How to manage time wisely

  • How to stay focused

  • How to make more time for yourself

First, let’s backtrack a little bit. When I first started my blog, I was in a “honeymoon stage” and I had a fire lit within me that kept me going every day. I felt unstoppable and was so excited to see my progress each day. However, I noticed day by day I began to get busier with other things and I no longer had the time each day to work on my blog. I started to feel overwhelmed with all the craziness in life and wondered “How the heck am I supposed to start and maintain a blog with such a busy schedule?!” I was still working my 9-5 job, taking care of my family, and trying to find any time to squeeze in some work on my blog. It all felt like a bottomless pit.

The reality of life hit me and I realized I needed something to keep me on track. It took me back to when I was in school. I had made an “unofficial” schedule at the beginning of the school year to keep me on track for turning all my projects in on time. I would look at this schedule every day and it would help me know what I needed to work on for that day. Sometimes I found that the task was smaller than I thought so I was able to move on and get ahead with my future assignments. This substantially improved my experience with school and helped me keep track of everything - big and small.

Fast forward to my busy life trying to manage a new business and everything else in life, I realized I needed to create a new schedule that would help me stay on track and gain back my confidence that “I can do it all!”

Here is exactly what I have learned during my time using a schedule vs. life without one. This is how to find success in your blogging career and find more time to do the things you want to do.

A schedule will help you stay organized.

This sounds pretty obvious as this is probably the reason you’re using one in the first place. Before using a schedule my brain felt scattered and it prevented me from increasing my creativity and performing my very best. Now, by using my schedule, I don’t have to worry about the next thing on my mental to-do list, or if I forgot to do something. It’s all written out leaving more room in my brain to get more done.

I have created my schedule over and over again and I am convinced that I have cracked the code to the best blogging schedule that will not only keep you on track with everything business but also help you with your health and well-being and other tasks you need to tackle every day. If you are looking for something to bring more time, energy, and focus to your life, click here to access my fill-in schedule.

Sticking to a schedule will help you beat procrastination.

Before, when I was relying on my brain and productivity to keep me going, I often found myself procrastinating. This would sometimes be on accident because I lost track of time doing something else. Other times I would be nervous to do something so I’d push it down my mental to-do list. Using a schedule changed all of that for me. By scheduling my day the night before I was able to decipher the important things I needed to do each day and schedule them accordingly. This way I wouldn’t lose track of time doing something less important.

With a schedule, you can manage time wisely and make more time for yourself.

I was shocked to find out how much free time I actually have by following a schedule. As I mentioned before, my life was so busy and it felt like my days were a bottomless pit. Once I made and followed a schedule for each day, I found that I had more time to do things I wanted to do - not just things I had to do. I got rid of the unfulfilling days, too, when I felt too lazy or intimidated to get anything done.

A schedule will help you to stay focused.

When I created my schedule, I would time-block certain parts of my day so I could be completely focused on getting that important task done. An important thing I learned here is to not set too much time at once to work on something important, otherwise you’ll get antsy or burn out! Instead, set aside 30-45 minutes and get to work, then go do something fun for 15 minutes - get up and move around so you can get your blood pumping again. Then repeat. You can get so much more done if you don’t overwork yourself! Another technique is something I teach in my blog post “Mindset Shifts for a Successful Business.” If you set a short deadline (i.e. give yourself only one hour to complete a “big” task) you will be able to get things done a lot quicker. It trains your mind to focus on what’s truly important and stop making up more work for yourself.

A schedule will magically make more time for you to do things you want to do.

As mentioned before, I found that I had more time on my hands by using my schedule. I had time to do my hobbies again and other things I wanted to do rather than needed to do. The important things magically became less time-consuming. With all this extra time and energy, I also found that I became less stressed and anxious all the time. My mood boosted significantly and life became less of a chore - and more enjoyable again!

I want this for you, too!

If you’re ready to ditch the “I’m too busy” excuse, get control of your time again, and learn how to effectively create and follow a schedule, get started with your custom schedule while it’s the lowest price it will ever be! Click here to get your fill-in schedule and begin living a happier and more organized life.

Learn something new? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to connect with you.

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